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HomeWriting with aiHumanize ai content-How to make your AI generated content sound more human

Humanize ai content-How to make your AI generated content sound more human


Humanize ai content
Humanize ai content

Humanizing AI Text involves converting content generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) into a more human-like version. It is done to reduce the robotic feel of the content and make it seem more human-like.


AI-generated content includes texts, pictures, videos, or sounds made or changed by deep learning or machine learning. This content might show real people in a very realistic way or be wn in a specific art style like cartoons or anime.

Regarding writing, AI still struggles with some things humans do naturally. Like capturing someone’s unique way of talking or showing emotions. So, it’s often pretty obvious when something was written by AI, whether it’s from ChatGPT or another tool like Chat by Copy AI.

But how can we make AI text feel more human? Well, there are a few tricks that websites like Google look for. Speaking of Google, they recently updated their rules for websites using AI content. They used to be really against it, but now they’re more open to it, as long as it’s good quality and helpful to readers.

So, if you want to use AI to write your website content, there are ways to make it sound more human. Let’s go through some simple ways to do that.

How Does AI Detection Work

There are numerous tools and detection programs available that can distinguish between texts written by AI and those written by humans.

These tools utilize various methods to ascertain whether a text is AI-generated or not. The primary categories for detection methods include:

  1. How it sounds: When AI writes something, it might sound weird, like it’s repeating itself too much or not making much sense.
  2. Spotting patterns: Sometimes AI texts repeat the same phrases or use odd words in a way that humans don’t.
  3. Complexity: Human writing tends to be deeper and more creative than what AI can do.
  4. Understanding the context: Humans are better at knowing what fits in a given situation, while AI can sometimes mess that up.
  5. Compared with known AI stuff: If a text looks like stuff we know AI has written before, it might be AI again.

So, these tools look for these clues to figure out if a text is written by a person or a computer.

What makes human writing unique and relatable?

Human writing connects with readers by tapping into shared experiences, using everyday language, and expressing emotions. It’s about finding your unique voice and sharing stories or information in a relatable way. AI, on the other hand, might lack that personal touch and fresh perspective that comes from human experiences.

Why does so much AI-generated content come across as bland and detached?

Well, the methodology behind AI text generation plays a big role. These systems gather massive amounts of data to churn out the “most probable” response. Essentially, they trim down the writing landscape to a uniform level, resulting in cookie-cutter content that lacks the uniqueness of human writing.

AI text generators struggle to grasp nuances, and cultural contexts and employ colloquial expressions like humans do. As a result, the writing they produce can feel distant and robotic, lacking the warmth and personality that comes naturally to human writers.

Let’s explore some practical steps to infuse your AI-written content with that human touch

  1. Personalize Your Prompts: When crafting prompts for ChatGPT, add details that set the tone, emotion, and audience you’re targeting. This gives ChatGPT a roadmap to follow, ensuring it hits all the right notes.
  2. Upgrade to ChatGPT Plus: Sign up for ChatGPT Plus to access the powerful GPT-4 model. With GPT-4, you can create content that’s not just good, but great! It’s like upgrading your writing buddy to superhero status.
  3. Give Clear Directions: Provide specific details like the purpose of your content, desired tone, and any emotional impact you want to achieve. This helps ChatGPT understand your creative vision and deliver better results.
  4. Iterate and Refine: Treat ChatGPT like a collaborator, not just a tool. Keep refining your content with follow-up prompts until it’s just right. Think of it as fine-tuning a masterpiece until it sings.
  5. Mind the Limitations: AI isn’t perfect, so be sure to fact-check and edit your content for accuracy and authenticity. Add your personal touch to make it truly yours.

By following these tips, you can create AI-generated content that feels as human as you are. Embrace the power of AI, but don’t forget to add your unique flair to make it shine!

Now, let’s dive deeper into each step to uncover more insights and practical advice for enhancing your AI-generated content:

  1. Personalize Your Prompts: To truly “humanize AI content,” it’s crucial to personalize your prompts. When crafting instructions for AI writing tools like ChatGPT, be specific about your content goals, including the intended audience demographics, desired emotional response, and overall tone.
  2. By customizing prompts, you provide ChatGPT with clear guidance, enabling it to generate text that resonates with your audience and captures the desired mood. Whether you’re targeting tech-savvy millennials with a casual and humorous tone or aiming for a professional and informative style, tailor your instructions accordingly.
  3. Upgrade to ChatGPT Plus: ChatGPT Plus offers access to the advanced GPT-4 model, which boasts enhanced capabilities for generating high-quality content. By upgrading to ChatGPT Plus, you unlock a wealth of features and improvements that can elevate your AI-generated text to new heights.
    • Enjoy benefits such as improved language understanding, enhanced creativity, and more accurate responses to complex prompts.
    • With GPT-4’s advanced algorithms, you can expect smoother dialogue flow, better context awareness, and a broader range of vocabulary and writing styles.
    • While ChatGPT Plus comes with a monthly subscription fee, the investment is well worth it for professionals and businesses seeking top-notch AI-generated content.
  4. Give Clear Directions: To get the most out of AI writing tools, it’s crucial to provide clear and concise directions in your prompts. Communicate your content objectives, desired tone, and any specific requirements or preferences you have for the text.
    • Use simple language and straightforward instructions to ensure ChatGPT understands your prompts accurately.
    • Avoid vague or ambiguous prompts that could lead to misinterpretation or irrelevant responses.
    • Be specific about the style, format, and structure you want for your content, whether it’s a blog post, article, email, or social media post.
    • Providing clear directions helps ChatGPT generate content that aligns with your vision and meets your expectations.
  5. Iterate and Refine: Creating compelling AI-generated content often requires iteration and refinement. After receiving the initial output from ChatGPT, take the time to review and evaluate the text, identifying areas for improvement or adjustment.
    • Experiment with different prompts, tones, and styles to see what works best for your content goals.
    • Solicit feedback from colleagues, peers, or beta readers to gain insights and perspectives on the generated text.
    • Use ChatGPT’s interactive interface to refine the content based on feedback and iterate until you’re satisfied with the results.
    • By iterating and refining your content, you can fine-tune the language, structure, and overall quality to create compelling and engaging text.
  6. Mind the Limitations: While AI writing tools like ChatGPT offer tremendous potential, it’s essential to be aware of their limitations and constraints. AI-generated content may not always be perfect, and it’s important to exercise caution and diligence when using these tools.
    • Fact-check and verify the accuracy of AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your standards and requirements.
    • Be vigilant for errors, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies in the text, and take steps to correct or address them as needed.
    • Avoid relying solely on AI-generated content without human oversight and review, as human intervention is often necessary to ensure quality and accuracy.
    • Recognize that AI writing tools are tools, not substitutes for human creativity and expertise. While they can assist in content generation, they should be used as part of a broader content creation strategy that includes human input and oversight.



An AI humanizer tool makes your AI-written text sound more like it came from a person, with feelings and all. Thanks to advances in AI, you can even use it to outsmart detection tools. Instead of spending time fixing your AI-generated text by hand, why not let another AI tool do it for you?

Undetectable.AI is a new tool that does just that. You paste your text in, hit a button labeled “Humanize,” and it gives your writing a more human touch. I tried it out and it’s pretty cool! You can even choose the type of voice and writing style you want.Wondering how good it is? Well, it does a lot of things for your writing:

  • It makes sentences sound better.
  • It chooses better words.
  • And it makes the writing sound like a real person did it.

Undetectable.AI is one of the best tools out there for this job. It helps your content fly under the radar of AI detectors while giving it a human feel.

Just look at this example: I fed a response from ChatGPT into Undetectable.AI, and in no time, it turned into a piece that reads like it was written by a journalist, full of emotion and personality.

While there are other tools like Undetectable AI, none of them quite match its quality when it comes to adding emotion and humanity to AI-generated text.


One of the key factors Google looks for in content is EEAT: Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust. Providing valuable and informative content to your audience is crucial for high rankings in Google’s algorithm.

While AI tools like ChatGPT are helpful, they sometimes struggle to sound authoritative, which is important for Google’s ranking criteria.

This could change in the future with advancements in AI technology. But for now, whether you’re writing manually or using AI assistance, your content should be informative and align with Google’s EEAT guidelines.

To make your text more human, consider incorporating personal viewpoints that add depth and insight. This helps establish credibility and builds trust with your audience.

Alter the structure and syntax of your sentences

AI writing tools have a big issue: they often sound the same and don’t have much feeling. That’s why it’s so easy for AI detectors to catch onto text that’s just copied from a ChatGPT chat. So, how do you fix this problem with AI tools? Simple: change up your sentences and how you write.

Now, remember, this might take a bit more work than just using a tool like WordAI. Think of it as tweaking what’s already there. By mixing up the words and using different ways of saying things, you can make your AI writing sound more like it’s from a real person. This adds a bit of emotion and makes it less obvious that it’s generated by AI.

Try using both long and short sentences, like how people naturally talk and write. When you do this, it’s way harder for anyone to tell that your writing came from an AI.


Give clearer instructions to your AI tools for better answers. Even though AI isn’t perfect, you can make it more like a human by being more specific. Take ChatGPT, for example. When you ask it questions, try to be detailed and clear. This helps get more human-like responses. Here’s an example.

Use AI as a research assistant, not a writer

Instead of asking for whole paragraphs, just get some bullet points or the facts you need. Then, you can spin them into your own words, adding that personal touch. It’s like having a super-smart assistant helping you out.

Picture this: you’re writing a guide, and you ask AI to gather up all the stats and info you need. Or, use it to give you the scoop on what’s in articles, reports, or even videos. Then, you dive in, put your heart into it, and make it your own. It’s your voice, your style, with a little AI magic sprinkled in.